Dyslexia nyc
What is Dyslexia?
It can come as a bit of shock to find out that you or someone close to you has been diagnosed with Dyslexia. People with Dyslexia may not experience its symptoms for several years. However, when they do, there are treatments that can stand in good stead to the dyslexics. It is a neurological and cognitive disorder that specifically impairs person’s ability to spell, read, write, or even speak. According to one estimate, between 4% and 7% of the US population is suffering from it.
Causes of Dyslexia
There is a divergence of views on the cause of Dyslexia. However, there is a broad agreement among the researchers that it tends to be hereditary because people suffering from it will find that one of their grandparents, parents, uncles or aunts also is a dyslexic. Research shows that genetic factors play an important role in Dyslexia.
Diagonsis of Dyslexia
It is still not possible to diagnose it by sending samples to a lab. A wide range and subtleties of symptoms make It is a difficult disorder to diagnose. In many cases the disorder may not be diagnosed for months to years after the onset of symptoms.
There are several factors the medical experts need to take into account to diagnose it. The medical expert needs to use several strategies to decide whether a patient meets the criteria for Dyslexia diagnosis. To do this the doctor must eliminate other possible causes of the patient’s symptoms. This will include looking at the patient’s medical behavioral and social history, reviewing their observations and those of their teachers. Since it is an inherited disorder, it is advisable to examine the patient’s family tree for other instances of reading difficulties.
Is there a cure for Dyslexia?
There are several issues for the doctor and patient to consider in treating it. Goals may include enhancing the ability to read, alleviating the effects of Dyslexia by skilled specialist teaching of phonics, sequencing and techniques to build up the patient’s damaged confidence and self-esteem. Early recognition of dyslexic children is important. The earlier the identification, the better the prognosis.
Since a dyslexic person’s difficulties are different from those of another, it becomes a tough proposition for doctors to employ specific treatment to the patients. In short, treatment for Dyslexia includes the use of educational tools to increase the ability to read.
Can a dyslexic Still Enjoy Quality of Life?
Yes. The onset of Dyslexia does not mean that the disorder brings only doom and disaster to all concerned. People suffering from Dyslexia can function normally. What is needed is love and affection that can raise the self confidence of the patient. There are treatments, if applied properly, can minimize some of the suffering. Although It is often accompanied by anger, frustration and despair, the sufferers can lead a meaningful life if they have supportive family and friends. It is undoubtedly a challenge to teach your dyslexic child to read and write. But that shouldn’t stop you from trying. Medical professionals on Dyslexia in New York will be able to provide further information on it.
In New York, there are several speech therapy courses for those affected with it. These courses of speech therapy in NYC offer the patients all the support and chance to share their experiences and learn new methods of communication.
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